January 19, 2022
If you have advice for President Joe and his sidekick Kamala on how to do what they're supposed to, and who doesn't, you might want to rethink it.
All the talking heads have advice, and are genuinely puzzled that the Dynamic Duo won't do it better.
Kamala won't come to work. For that matter a lot of Joe's bureaucrats won't. And don't.
With all the disease zipping around our country, when's the last time you saw the Secretary of Health and Human Services? His name is Xavier Becerra, in case you didn't know.
And then there's Mayor Pete. Working seems to be the last thing the Man Who Saved Christmas thinks about.
But if you think Joe, Kamala, Xavier and Peter should work, at their jobs, for their country's welfare, your premise is wrong.
By not working, not shutting down the border, not making goods available, not making inflation go away, they're doing what they are expected to do.
It's how Socialism gets a toe hold. And they're doing their part.
Hang tough.