
December 2nd, 2020 6:38 pm

December 2, 2020

Democrats don't do it, but still, it's important. To say "Thank you." Something apparently Michelle Obama's mom never taught her.

On any given day you can see the former First Lady flexing her biceps and scowling at the crummy hand she was dealt.

And she never misses an opportunity to say so, in her Podcast, in her public appearances, her books and now in Netflix movies. The latest an unflattering "comedy" series about Trump.

Raised on the South Side of Chica...

November 25th, 2020 3:36 pm

November 25, 2020

They do it as often as they change their socks. Make rules for you that they will never observe themselves.

Governors Newsom, Murphy, Mayor Muriel Bowser and others. All ate, drank and travelled wherever they pleased, making merry while telling you you couldn't. And Washington Gov. Inslee told us giving up Thanksgiving and Christmas should be thought of "as an act of love..."

We're told we'll kill every Tom, Dick and Harry if we eat Thanksgiving Dinner with our f...

November 18th, 2020 3:51 pm

November 18, 2020

Who gives up a fight that isn't finished? And anyone who suggests Trump should, is up to no good.

Truth is important to this administration, but it was just an annoyance to Obama's.

Rife with Biden family corruption, and pitifully poor decision after poor decision on the part of President Obama, American citizens were glad to see Michelle and Barack retire to their newly-acquired mansions, and relax among the beautiful people on their sumptuous yachts.


November 11th, 2020 1:56 pm
November 11, 2020

 “You don’t have to comply with this lie…It had to happen this way to drain the swamp.” Diamond and Silk

November 4th, 2020 3:34 pm

November 4, 2020

In a lifetime, there is the emergence of what are called "Great Souls."

Such an individual is called "The One." They are individuals who are given to us in times of need, to wage the war in the eternal struggle of Good vs. Evil.

It happened during the American Revolutionary War. And the resistance Great Souls have encountered still happens.

There is something in the world that hates Goodness and Courage. The ones who oppose, do so because they are lacking in...

October 28th, 2020 7:03 pm

October 28, 2020

It was something Americans thought they would never have to confront ever again, after they confronted and defeated King George III.


But with the advent of the Wuhan virus, Democrat governors and mayors are bringing American businessmen to their knees with "emergency" measures that have nothing to do with preventing illness. 
In New Jersey, Gov. Murphy has vindictively persecuted businesses that have done everything to make their businesses safe, bu...

October 21st, 2020 6:48 pm

October 21, 2020

It's an old saw: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." But that's not something Senate Democrats do.

If it's "good for the country." If it's "sportsmanlike conduct," that's not something Democrats do.

As kids we learn that "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." And if you do lose the game, you always shake the other guy's hand.

Our country is struggling against tremendous odds, because of what China has done to us and the world. 


October 14th, 2020 7:37 pm

October 14, 2020

Just seeing Sen. Kamala Harris skyping into the Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court Senate Confirmation Hearing this week, was enough to make one think about the Founding Fathers.

How far we'd come. But how much we've lost in quality leaders.

Harris had the arrogant, condescending look we've seen before, from James Comey and Peter Strzok when they testified before Congress.

But Harris wasn't the only arrogant senator on the committee.

Pushing Obamaca...

October 7th, 2020 5:23 pm

October 7, 2020

If you were worrying about the Democrat Party leaning too, too left. Or worried about the whole "Democrat/Socialist" thing, your worries are over.

Russian President Putin says he's fine with Democrats and that he looks forward to working with Joe Biden.

It's because, he says, of the "common ground" he has with Democrats," over a "shared embrace of Soviet ideology."

What does that even mean?

It could mean he's looking forward to working with Joe because Jo...

September 30th, 2020 4:20 pm

September 30, 2020

It's crazy. Today any Tom, Dick or Jimmy can become the head of the FBI. Witness that James Comey was director until he was fired.

Today hearings were held by the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the Crossfire-Hurricane coup originating in the FBI, and it was clear James Comey had lost none of his arrogance, although he claims he's lost most of his memory of those days.

If you're a fan of Elliott Ness, or were fond of J. Edgar Hoover's alleged frocks, you'll...
