
April 3rd, 2024 2:23 pm
April 3, 2024

As if Jesus Christ hasn't been through enough. He said he was the son of God, and they mocked and crucified him.

When Joe proclaimed Easter Sunday as officially "Transgender Day of Visibility," that was insulting enough, (to Jesus), but when he said to transgenders, "I see you. You are made in the image of God..." that was a bridge too far.

Joe's Secrertary of Health Rachel Levine was dismissive of the public's criticism to his promoting transgender policies on Easter. "I felt that it was faux outrage...It was manufactured," Levine said, gussied up in his/her female Navy uniform.

It's not enough that we have to put up with the desecration of every American holiday from Joe and Obama. Now we have to put up with a weird interpretation of American values, from Rachel Levine, while having to look at Levine's bushy, unattractive hairdo to boot. As if we haven't been through enough.

Hang tough.


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