
We've Survived Worse

November 25th, 2015 6:14 pm

"Next week I will be joining Pres. Hollande and other world leaders in Paris for the Global Climate Conference. What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children." Barack Obama, Joint News Conference, Washington, D.C., with Pres. Hollande, Nov. 24, 2015

November 25, 2015

By: Linda Case Gibbons

          How lucky are we to live in this country?

          Whatever it is you want to do, you can do it from here. The U.S.

          Not in Russia. Not in North Korea. And not in China.

          It's true, Pres. Putin looks pretty good as a world leader, but you must not forget, this man was KGB.

          There are things you cannot do in his country, mostly because it is his country.

          Try saying that "Black Lives Matter" more than the life of Pres. Kim Jong-un when you're in North Korea.

          Or that you want to take down statues of Communist heroes when you're in China.

          It wouldn't fly there.

          But it would here. Why? Because we have a Bill of Rights and a Constitution. Because we have rights no other country has. Unfortunately, there are some Americans who take these rights for granted.

          It's mostly the crackpots. And you can find them at all levels of our society.

          Always looking for the hair in the egg, they never say thanks. They are our professional victims.

          They see nothing good about America, and take every opportunity to say so.

          They see little of value in their country. All they see is inequality, persecution, the evils of "White Privilege," and how their lives have been ruined by everything having to do with "white guys." 

          They have no idea the reason they have any rights at all is precisely because of "white guys?"

          It's called "history," friends, and they don't read history books.

          But the latest trend is to change our country's history.

          New York Mayor DeBlasio is all for it. Remove portraits of white guys from the walls of City Hall.


          Rename the George Washington Bridge, Madison Square Garden, because in the annals of history, these white guys held slaves.


          Denigrate Civil War heroes. Misunderstand the Confederate flag and its place in history.

          Manipulate facts, When pushing for global climate reform, don't mention that the earth went through periods of warming and cooling during the Ice Age, 2.4 million years ago, when no humans inhabited the earth.

          Divisiveness is the method.

          Set whites against blacks. Rich against poor. Excuse and encourage rioting in the streets. Excuse felons and thugs. Pardon terrorists and not-so-bad criminals. Let them out of jail. Give them a second chance.

          And the method is given the seal of approval from the very top.

          But we Yanks are tough. Our country has survived worse and it will again.

          So on this Thanksgiving 2015, we Americans have much to be thankful for. Here are a few:

          1.     We give thanks that our brave soldiers don't cover their faces, like cowards, when they go into battle;

          2.     That though clothes may make the man, the majority of Americans believe borders make the country;

          3.     That thanks to Donald Trump, "PC" is on the way out, and will only be used when talking about personal computers;

          4.     That there are 15 bright and intelligent Republican candidates who were fully qualified to run for president;

          5.     That our president's Thanksgiving Address didn't bash the Pilgrims as much as he usually does, slipping in only one political plug when he equated Syrian refugees with those refugees who landed at Plymouth Rock those many historical days ago;

          6.     That, despite lack of support from government officials, our men in blue keep on keeping their commitment to Serve and Protect;

          7.     That our country's track record for fixing what's wrong, when it's wrong, is a matter of historical record, so the folks who are angry at being judged by the color of their skin, while having no problem judging others by theirs, look like the fools they are;

          8.     That countries like China and India have given Pres. Obama's ridiculous preoccupation with Global Warming/Climate Change the attention it deserves;

          9.     That a university president in Oklahoma had the moxie to tell politically correct, protesting students, to "grow up;" "This is not day care. It's a university."

         10.     And last, but not least, when I close my eyes at night, I am most thankful that there are term limits on the office of the presidency.

          Happy Thanksgiving.

          Hold the line, America.

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