
Isn't It Ironic?

May 7th, 2014 10:23 pm
"The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others.” Author Unknown

May 7, 2014

By:  Linda Case Gibbons

          "I can’t imagine what the parents are going through,” said Obama in a CBS interview… "This may be the event that helps to mobilize the entire international community to finally do something against this horrendous organization that’s perpetuated such a terrible crime,” he told NBC’s Al Roker.
          Indeed, "the event” was an "abominable…criminal…act of terrorism…which merits the fullest response possible,” according to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
          There were "bad choices, not hard choices made,” she said, at the same time plugging her new book, "Hard Choices.”
          "The government…has been, in my view, somewhat derelict in its responsibility,” she told ABC News’ Robin Roberts. "They need to make it a priority.”
          Jay Carney agreed. "Time is of the essence,” he said.
          There it was! I knew our government wouldn’t let us down. We were finally going to get a clear picture of what went on in Benghazi from the people who were  directly involved!
          The assassins would be brought to justice and the families of Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods were finally going to learn all the details about their deaths.
          It brought a tear to my eye. It looked like "They” were stepping up to the plate! We’d hear everything we didn’t hear back on Sept. 11, 2012, you know, like where the president was and where Hillary was and why no one was sent to rescue our guys.
          But, sad to say, this is not what "This” is. In fact it’s not about Benghazi at all. It’s about kidnapped children in Nigeria.
          Am I wrong to say, "Why them? Why now? Why not then?” and maybe slip in a "Blankety-Blank Hypocrites?”
          Come on. Who isn’t for helping children? But, human rights rank below our national security. Charity does begin at home.
          Should there be outraged indignation at events in Nigeria? There should be.
          But there was never anything near the outrage we are seeing about these abducted girls from our government for our own men killed in Benghazi.
          Compassion sells and Obama and Hillary always go for "touchy-feely” to bail themselves out. Yet after the talking points are talked, neither of them do anything about any of it. Talking points are just that, the latest ones being aimed at shifting attention to Nigeria.
          Shifting away from what, you say?
          It could be the House Select Committee set up to investigate Benghazi, the one headed up by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). It’s the committee Democratic Congressmen are planning to boycott just like the Democrats in Scott Walker’s Wisconsin.
          You remember them. The brats who fled over the Wisconsin border in 2011 to avoid voting on something they didn’t want to vote on.
          Do we see a pattern here?
          It could be to shift attention from Hillary and Monica, or our deteriorating foreign policy, high unemployment, the IRS, Lois Lerner. You name it and then you’d have to agree, it’s way better to focus on Nigeria. Because, don’t forget: mid-term elections are around the corner, just as the presidential election was after the attack in Benghazi.
          Do we see a pattern here?
          In a "Cairo Speech” way, Obama has decided it's time to focus on Africa. Not the Ukraine. Not Crimea. And certainly not the U.S.
          Obama didn’t meet with President Putin because he doesn’t talk to Putin anymore, but he does talk to Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. He likes him. Obama said, "Nigeria is one of the most powerful and fastest-growing countries in the world.”
          Not Russia.
          Our president told Goodluck in a one-on-one at the White House back in September, "we are really focused on how we can help to bring electricity and power generation throughout Africa, not just in the big cities but also in the rural areas, and Nigeria is a potential partner in that process.”
          We are? They are?
          Meanwhile, back at the ranch, during what looks suspiciously like a recurring Cold War, Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki is in the middle of a, shall we call it "scandal.”
          Veterans are being denied medical attention, they are dying while on a waiting list to see a primary care doctor, but Obama’s only comment: I won’t fire Shinseki.
          Dead veterans, sick veterans and Monica vs. Nigeria? If I were Obama and Hillary, I’d pick Nigeria, too.
          But I wonder. What about our people, the guys killed in a place we didn’t even know the name of until Sept. 11, 2012?
          Nancy Pelosi dismisses it as "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi,” like an annoying fly circling her head, but that was not what Obama and Hill and Biden and Panetta said, on the tarmac, to the families gathered there when four caskets arrived from Benghazi.
          No, indeedy. We heard them say a bunch of comforting words and make a heap of promises.
          "Make no mistake,” President Obama said, "we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people,” "Nobody is more interested in figuring this out than I am.”
          Nobody except maybe the head of the State Department, Hillary Clinton. At the center of the controversy, she should have been interested, but she figured what difference did it really make?
          And that was the administration’s talking points from then on in, for the next 20 months.
          The Accountability Review Board appointed to review the attack in Benghazi was conducted without a stenographer in attendance, using "note takers” to record the proceedings and to later relate "what they remembered.”
          Witnesses were not allowed to review their testimony for accuracy and Hillary Clinton was never interviewed.
          But the cherry-on-top was the key investigator.
          Chosen by the Obama administration, former Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering had known ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate and he was co-chairman of George Soros’ International Crisis Group, a funder to other Islamic organizations.
          Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
          Because by this time Americans have pretty well figured out for themselves that this administration has a love affair with heavy equipment.
          If the situation suits them, they hop on the Gravy Train, like this terrorist activity in Nigeria.
         And if the situation doesn’t suit them, they throw someone Under the Bus.
         Obama was silent about the death threats leveled at Rep. Trey Gowdy, and there was only the sound of crickets from other prominent Democrats.
         But Gowdy said after 16 years as a federal prosecutor he has received death threats before and this will not keep him from doing his job.
         That's good, and when you think of it, really, what can the Select Committee find that would be worthy of death threats? Probably nothing, right? As Jay Carney said, Benghazi was so long ago.
         And when former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor was asked about the Benghazi talking point changes Vietor himself worked on, Vietor couldn't even remember. As he pointed out to FOX’ Bret Baier:
          "Dude, this was like two years ago!”
          Yes, it was, Tommy. Yes, it was.
          Hold the line, America.
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