
Stay Home And Be Commander-In-Chief

September 19th, 2012 12:53 am
"In an apparent case of red, white and blue revenge, a Pakistani protestor died yesterday after inhaling smoke from a burning American flag during an anti-U.S. rally.” "Old Glory Strikes Back. Karma?” Andy Soltis, blogger, September 19, 2012
          September 19, 2012
          By: Linda Case Gibbons
          Heck, no one was surprised at the lukewarm response from both Hill and O at the violent assassination of our Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three members of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. We’ve come to expect it of them.
          It took President Obama 14 hours to respond. Hillary Clinton, when she did speak, sounded better than Obama. But neither showed emotion nor interest.
          Obama words were boilerplate and Secretary Clinton spoke like an automaton. Maybe it was because she knew that everyone except the mainstream media knew she and this administration had dropped the ball. That except for State Department Rules of Engagement in Libya four Americans would be alive today.
          It was the State Department Rules of Engagement that controlled the events that unfolded at the American consulate in Libya. Set in place after Gaddafi’s death by the Obama administration, they were signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
          Col. David Hunt, U.S. Army (Ret.) was harsh in his criticism of the secretary of state.
          "The State Department just allowed our guys to get killed. If you approve no bullets in guns for the mission security guards and an outhouse for a mission, you’re inviting it.
          "It was the policy of the Obama administration to have a low profile in Libya. That’s why the rules of engagement were approved by the Secretary of State to have no Marines at Benghazi and to have an American contractor hire Libyan nationals to provide security there. The rules were they couldn’t have ammunition.”
          Makes sense.
          But where is the unbridled outrage for our country from our president, the anger that terrorists would dare to attack our embassies or desecrate our flag?
          It is the question that is being asked throughout our country except by the mainstream media, David Letterman and Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes, the places to which Obama runs whenever he’s done something bad.
          Instead what we get from our government is spin about the anti-Muslim film, Innocence of Muslims, few answers from the State Department about how Chris Stevens died, apologies to "good” Muslims and obsessive TV appearances by our president.
          But what happened? How did it happen on 9/11 and why wasn’t there better security that day of all days? No answers.
          What was the cause of Stevens’ death and those of the two former Navy SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods and information officer Sean Smith? No answers.
          Was Stevens tortured, did he suffer? No answers.
          Is a formal inquiry being launched? Not yet. Why not? Not sure.
          We do know that no one knew where Ambassador Stevens was, or, if he was already dead, where his body was for at least eight hours.
          We do know that to all appearances, the Libyan government as host country at some point gave up and let the assassins have access to Ambassador Stevens to kill him or, it is reported, gave assassins the location of the "safe house” in which the Libyans had placed the ambassador.
          Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made certain she took time to thank Libyans for taking Ambassador Stevens to the hospital while photos showed a half-clothed Stevens being dragged through the streets of Benghazi. She was careful to drive home the point that these deaths were the work "of a small and savage group” not the government or people of Libya. How does she know? She doesn’t say.
          But she minimized the fact that the "safe place” Stevens was taken to before his death was breached by someone. Libyans? Who? No answers from the State Department.
          What we do know is that the Obama administration wasn’t paying attention and no one in the administration has the courage to admit it.
          Continuing his policy to never make Muslims feel bad for their religion, the response of Obama and Hillary Clinton was to focus on punishing the film maker, a citizen in our country with a right to free speech in our country, to dial down any, any comments that might be negative about the Muslim religion.
          Even though Libya’s head of state, Mohamed Yusuf al-Magariaf stated on Face the Nation that the attacks were premeditated and that the U.S. was aware two days before, Susan Rice, ambassador to the United Nations insisted the event was unplanned and provoked only by the anti-Islam video.
          So this became the talking point the White House, CBS, NBC and ABC seized upon as a way to deflect blame from Muslim terrorists and to protect, once again, President Obama and the shameful lack of protection for our embassies abroad.
          Instead of attacking our attackers, the maker of this silly film, Nakoula Basseley, was blamed for all the unrest in the Middle East, leaving Obama blameless.
          Arrested at his California home, he was forced to disguise himself as he was escorted on a perp walk which featured full media coverage complete with klieg lights.
          His criminal background was disclosed to all, his name and address was allowed to be published in the New York Post and The New York Daily News, setting loose an avalanche of death threats upon this American citizen for exercising American freedom of speech and forcing him and his family to flee their home in fear for their lives.
          In America.
          But maybe it is no big deal. After all, the president doesn’t seem all bent out of shape.
          A week after the deaths in Libya and while the Middle East is exploding on a daily basis with Muslim, anti-American demonstrations, Obama filled his official schedule with a meet-and-greet with the WNBA Champion Minnesota Lynx at the White House, an hour long pontification to an adoring David Letterman and a fundraiser with Beyonce and her hubby.
          On September 13 he made time to fly out to Las Vegas to address a gathering of his campaign workers and told them just how "not a big deal” the Libyan assassinations were to him:
          "The sacrifices that our troops and our diplomats make are obviously very different from the challenges that we face here domestically but, like them, you guys are Americans who sense that we can do better than we’re doing…I’m just really proud of you.”
          This is Obama’s response to American deaths in Libya.
          In the week leading up to the attacks, the White House calendar showed no attendance at daily intelligence briefings by the president since September 5.
          In the week after the Libyan attacks, the president continued with his habit of avoiding the Oval Office, displaying a sociopathic disinterest in a Middle East situation that all the rest of the world realizes is a hotbed of imminent danger, especially Prime Minister Netanyahu.
          The French response is for French magazine "Charlie Hebdo” to publish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, on the basis of invoking the right to free speech, its director explaining that a decision not to publish would "hand victory to a handful of extremists that are causing a commotion in the world and in France.”
          Weren’t we the ones who sparked their revolution? Weren’t we the ones who were the first protectors of freedom?
          But because Obama and Clinton and this administration have been nothing but sympathetic to Islam and protective of Muslims in word and deed, radical Muslim terrorists now perceive the United States and its president as weak.
          Despite constant efforts by Obama to ingratiate himself to Muslim countries, they continue to hate America, "the big Devil,” and to hate him. Nobody likes a leader who badmouths his own country.
          His efforts only serve to mark him as weak, so weak that terrorists felt they could storm our embassy and then have the United States embassy in Cairo issue an apology for "hurting the feelings of Muslims.”
          Unable to even decide who America’s allies are or if funding should be continued to the countries expressing anti-American feelings, the president also declined to answer the question, "Is this an act of war?”
          In fact he answered no questions at his press conference, turned his back on reporters and walked away, while his mainstream media supporters from NPR and NBC plotted to ask Gov. Romney questions that would embarrass him for speaking out on behalf of America.
          But two men did step up to defend our country and were outraged in a way we Americans loved to see.
          One was Gov. Romney sounding very presidential despite efforts by NPR reporter Ari Shapiro and CBS reporter Jan Crawford to distract from the real story and to make Romney appear foolish.
          The other was Bruce Herschensohn, a foreign policy adviser to President Nixon. Hershensohn told FOX News:
          "These are all acts of war. A U.S. Embassy should be as safe as your living room. If you’re overseas and you go to an embassy of a foreign country, you are in that foreign country. And by all international law, those are acts of war.”
          He finished by advising President Obama: "For God’s sake, stay home and be commander in chief.”
          Hold the line, America.
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