
Americans Have Dreams, Too

September 6th, 2017 1:51 am

"You don't do a marshall's job to get a reputation. You do it to uphold the law." Marshall Matt Dillon, Gunsmoke


September 6, 2017


By: Linda Case Gibbons


          It didn't happen often, but this time Barack Obama was right.

          There are some things a president can't do with an executive order.

          He can't legislate without the legislature. And he can't take away our dreams.

          When he was president, Obama told lots of people, lots of times, what he couldn't do.

          "I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own," he told members of La Raza, a Latino pro-immigration group whose motto is, "All for race. Nothing for the rest."

          "But that's not how our system works...That's not how our democracy functions," Obama said. "That's not how our Constitution is written...I am president, I am not a king...I can't do these things just by myself..."

           And then, with a pen and a phone, he did it by himself. He admitted it was unconstitutional, and he did it anyway.

           When Congress failed to pass the DREAM Act, Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act, he crushed our dreams. He hijacked our system. And he and he alone, welcomed nearly a million illegal immigrants into our country.

          He called them kids, and "Dreamers," knowing nothing succeeds like Democratic buzz words, always designed to silence opposition. After all, what kind of a person would be mean to children?

          After this executive order, confusion reigned.

          Illegal immigrant children were flown in, bussed in, and housed in all parts of our country. Obama never told governors they were coming. He loaded up our schools, our medical and social services, and he did it all by executive fiat, the one he told us he wasn't empowered to use.

          And he never asked Americans if it was okay.

          Later, in 2016, someone did ask us what are dreams were. And we answered. At the ballot box.

          We liked our country. We were proud of it, and we liked the fact that the guy running for office liked it, too.

          It was nice that he didn't single out Muslims and promise them he would always protect them, as Obama did in his Cairo speech. We wanted a president who protected all Americans. That's what America is all about. But we wanted a piece of the pie, too.

          The guy we voted for didn't promise we could keep our doctor if we liked our doctor. He didn't hire an MIT "architect" whose chief skill was calling Americans "stupid."

          He wanted to do something for the American people. That was new.

          Americans work their jobs, collect their pay. He knew that. He'd done it, too.

          He knew they walked the straight and narrow, and wouldn't think of doing it any other way.

          And he knew Americans are not, and never have been, victims, because, unlike Obama and Hillary, he wasn't one, either.

          In our America, Americans don't hide their faces behind black masks and use violence to push their agendas. They don't use their position in government to "unmask" American citizens to get a leg up in an election.

          They don't blame others when they lose. They don't advocate for a legal system that turns a blind eye to crime committed by the rich, famous and connected, or for government employees who "leak," lie and subvert the very definition of what their job is supposed to be.

          Americans thought they could vote and things would change. But there are powerful, dangerous forces at work behind the political scene.

          Much like the infiltration of illegal immigrants into our country, like the erosion of the First Amendment right to free speech for conservative ideas, it has become accepted that there is a "Shadow Government," and a "Dark State," both which have the right to work against a sitting president.

          We've accepted that three former presidents, elected Republicans and wannabe president Hillary have chosen to remain silent about ANTIFA, none of them coming forward to protect America and the American people.

          Bush, Clinton and Obama left our current president to mop up their messes, North Korea, Obamacare and immigration, all situations which were entrenched by their inaction while in office.

          And now, Barack Obama, who illegally allowed illegal "Dreamers" to come to America, is ironically calling the cancellation of DACA, "cruel," branding our current president as "the bad guy."

          But Americans aren't "stupid." They've been around the political block with Obama a couple of times. They figure he's had his bite at the apple, and he blew it, and now he's yesterday's news.

          And they know who the "Bad Guys" are in this story. And it's certainly not Donald Trump and his administration.

          Hold the line, America.

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