
The Yellow Badge of Cowardice

April 10th, 2019 5:29 pm
"The opposite of courage is not cowardice. It is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow." Jim Hightower, Columnist and Progressive Activist

April 10, 2019

By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.

When the "Fish or Cut Bait" moment arrives, who would you want next to you in a foxhole?

Trump, or Beto O'Rourke? Trump, or Spartacus Booker?

Last week while Trump travelled to crisis-check the border, the cast members of "Desperate Democrats Running for Election" were busy licking Rev. Al Sharpton's boots.

More than a dozen of them eagerly pitched their presidential pitches to the National Action Network, the African American organization founded by Rev. Al.

Each and every one of them breathlessly assured the Reverend that reparations were tops on their To Do lists.

Shamefully agreeable, they talked about America's racism. Promised to do better. Apologized for whatever Sharpton thought they should apologize for, some of them for being white.

When the chips are down, racism is always a safe place for Democrats.

And with a Party Platform which includes killing babies, anti-Semitism and putting out the Welcome Mat for MS-13, "Racism" and "Trump-Bashing" is all they have.

Disgraced Chicago Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx played the Race Card this week.

After facing serious fallout from her gross mishandling of the Jussie Smollett felony Non-Prosecution, Foxx searched her soul, and, with Jesse Jackson at her side, at Jackson's Rainbow Push headquarters, she came up with the answer.

It wasn't her fault.

"It was personal," she said, referring to her being the first African American woman to occupy the State's Attorney office.

To clarify, she meant she was a victim. Of racism. And probably misogyny.

Even though the Chicago police, the mayor, and the Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association thought differently.

They thought she should resign.

Accusations of racism is clearly what Democrat candidates think is their best bet to win. But when it comes to putting their necks on the line for protecting America, don't hold your breath.

Eight candidates stood by and said nothing at a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People meeting in D.C. this month, when NAACP Vice President Jamal Watkins led the audience in a Communist-themed chant.

"It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains."

He was quoting former Black Panther convicted cop-killer, Assata Shakur, a.k.a, fugitive Joanne Chesimard, currently on the lam in Cuba.

And the last words of the chant came from the final sentences of the Communist Manifesto.

None of the eight 2020 Democrat candidates taking part in the conference were reported to have objected.

Not Booker, Klobuchar, Gillibrand, O'Rourke, Sanders, Castro, Warren and Inslee. None of them.

It makes you wonder in what country these candidates are running for office, so disdainful are they of this country, its laws, its Constitution.

Candidates never admit the slave trade is alive in Libya.

But not in America. That America is the only country, in the world, where slavery has been totally eliminated.

Candidates never mention that Uighur Muslims are in "re-education" camps in China. Because of their religion.

But in America, Muslims hold Congressional seats.

There is never a word about India and China leading the world in pollution-related deaths. 

Instead Green New-Dealers choose to blame America and propose preposterous climate change measures.

For them to break from the Socialist crowd and praise America would take courage.

Lt. Col. Richard E. Cole died yesterday. He was 103

He was the last survivor of Doolittle's Raiders, 16 Army Air Corps B-25 bombers which carried out America's first strikes against Japan in retaliation for its attack on Pearl Harbor.

After the mission, low on fuel and running out of daylight, Cole and three crewmen bailed out of their plane. Fifteen of the bombers crash-landed in Japanese-occupied territory, one flew on to the Soviet Union.

None made it back to airstrips prepared for them in China.

Jack Kennedy would have called it a true story of profiles in courage. But this year the 2019 Profiles in Courage Award was given to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.

Courage can be hard to define.

When Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart was asked to define hard-core pornography, he famously said he couldn't, "but I know it when I see it."

As for courage, in our country's leaders, and in the guy you'd want next to you in a foxhole:

Voters know it when they see it. And they know it when it's not there.

Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots

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