
They're All in Whine Country

May 15th, 2019 10:59 pm
"If you think healthcare is expensive, wait until it's free." P.J. O'Rourke, American Journalist

May 15, 2019

By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.

Boys like tea. Girls like tea. And early American colonists loved tea.

But they gave it up for a greater good.

For Liberty. They loved it more.

During World War II everyday Americans didn't have a pot to cook in. But housewives gathered up the ones they had and donated them.

For the war effort.

Farmers turned in farm equipment. Children sacrificed their metal toys. And people brought in tires, hot water bottles and boots, for the rubber.

To support the war effort. Because they were Americans.

It's a different world now. Mention closing the country's borders, and there will be an uproar.

Not, "Yeah, man. It's important for national security." But, "What will we do without avocados from Mexico?"

And now it's the China thing. Tariffs have been imposed that have been a long time in coming, and Liberals are peeved.

Not about our trade deficit. About the goods they won't have. Kale. Dog collars. Microwaves.

They're being inconvenienced and the Trade War has barely begun.

They don't understand  that sometimes you have to tighten your belt.

That when you choose to fight, for Freedom, sometimes it takes a while to fight the good fight.

Our Revolutionary War lasted seven years.

Lord knows what these Socialist Democrats would have done during the Depression.

Or World War II.

Or when one of them now running for office, has to face off with former KGB spy, now president, Vladimir Putin. Or President for Life, Communist Xi Jinping.

Socialist Democrats, all 20 or so of them running for president, have embraced Barack Obama's Apologist Posture.

Like Obama, there is no country the Democrat candidates detest more than the country of which they want to be president.

Obama thought the U.S. deserves to be at a disadvantage. He said as much in his very first speech as president in Cairo. And he's still saying it.

Because of America's wealth. Its success. And because Americans simply deserve to be taken off their high horses.

And because of its colonialism. Its racism.

Beto, Buttigieg, the whole bunch. They are a long line of weak victims.

This week Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke made his mea culpa before the ladies of The View, nearly in tears. For his Vanity Fair article.

"Was the cover a mistake?" Joy Behar asked him.

"I think it reinforces that perception of privilege," O'Rourke said.

But the truth is the Skate-Boarding candidate's popularity has, as Trump said at a rally in Panama City, "Fallen like a rock." And his comrades in arms aren't faring much better.

This week Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) bemoaned the lack of press coverage he is receiving because he's black;

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) because she's a woman;

And Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) because her announcement that she's for Medicare for All...and abolishing insurance companies, didn't go over that well. Americans "Liked their doctors, liked their healthcare plans, and the insurance companies that provided it."

It's good stuff, American medicine. It's the reason Mick Jagger came here for his heart surgery.

But they still whine, whine, whine.

Beto is right. Socialist Democrat candidates have led a life of privilege. So they don't "know from"Trade Deficits.

They're too busy promoting Medicare for all to take on the $539 billion dollar trade imbalance which exists with China.

That's something a businessman would do.

The imbalance of trade, like the Iran Deal, was bad business. It always was.

So was China ignoring our copyright laws for decades; U.S. companies having to surrender their trade secrets in exchange for the privilege of doing business in China.

And no president has done anything about it.

Until Donald Trump.

Increased tariffs on China this month have set the Left on its ear, and they are unwilling to Buckle Down Winsocki. For their country.

They are too worried about their stocks, their bonds and their 401(k)s.

And their kale.

The Liberals who bleed for the illegal immigrants at the border, who weep for the Humanitarian Crisis there, never once addressed the Human Rights violations, and the profits made off the backs of the Chinese people by manufacturers like Apple.

Representatives Omar and Tlaib never once addressed the "Reeducation Camps" for Muslims that exist in China.

That's an economic detail a businessman would notice, not politicians who believe the U.S. needs to apologize for being the United States.

Like Obama and the new crop of Socialist Democrats.

Hold the line, America.
Where We Go One, We Go All
Stay strong, Patriots.
Rest in peace P.K. Gibbons
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