
May 6th, 2020 6:03 pm
May 6, 2020

It's a sad day when you discover you can't cut the mustard anymore.

But it happens. And it's happening to two Ladies of the Left.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is 80 years of age. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 87.

The Speaker might as well be retired for the amount of time she has spent in D.C. this year. A critical year. But, the truth of the matter is Pelosi is in that segment of the population most vulnerable to the Coronavirus, and she knows it. And she's staying home. With the entire House of Representatives. But still getting paid.

Justice Ginsburg has served honorably on the Supreme Court, but her health is poor It has been for a while and getting worse. No one will say how often she has had to be off work. And this week we were told she was once again hospitalized.

It's time these women passed their batons. If they loved their country, they would.

Hang tough.
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