
June 3rd, 2020 6:12 pm

June 3, 2020

If you were wondering why law and order is a thing of the past, you can tell your grandchildren that Social Justice rules have made a world of difference.

Not a good difference, but a difference.

In New York, for instance, Cuomo and deBlasio don't want to call up the National Guard, although Macy's probably does.

Cuomo thinks the NYPD is doing a terrible job. Comrade deBlasio thinks the National Guard isn't trained to do military stuff. So neither of then have done much.

After Bloomingdale's, Chanel, Rolex, and Walgreens were looted, and about 650 thugs were arrested. And processed. Most were allowed to go free. All thanks to New York's bail-reform law.

Because, New York City Police Chief Monahan told the New York Post, "When it comes to a burglary at a commercial store, which is looting, they're back out on the street the next day," 

Ain't that a kick in the head?

Hang tough.

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