
June 17th, 2020 9:13 am
June 17, 2020

Children's programs used to be for children.

Not so long ago, Sesame Street used to have shows that told children about what the postman did, what the baker did, and told kiddies that the policeman was their friend.

Recently Nickelodeon featured eight minutes of heavy breathing to educate toddlers about George Floyd, and that he was killed by a policeman in Minneapolis. For eight minutes.

Most people know toddlers don't know where Minneapolis is, or what death is, for that matter. The little scamps just want to have some apple juice in their sippy cups.

Unfortunately, if you have kiddies, fun shows for them are now just another forum for Leftist propaganda.

And, alas, now Elmer Fudd has had his gun taken away, in his pursuit of that "pesky wabbit." And "Paw Patrol" is a thing of the past.

Seems there's a doggie, Chihuahua cop among Paw Patrol's ranks. And we can't have children seeing that.

Hang tough.

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