
July 8th, 2020 6:37 am
July 8, 2020

What's the word?

Ask any Jersey-ite and they'll say "I don't know."

Gov. Phil Murphy has made uncertainty a sure thing in the old Garden State. Rules about the Chinese virus change like the stock market did when Murphy was at Goldman Sachs.

He left that job in 2002, and Goldman Sachs didn't have to be bailed out by the federal government until 2010, so maybe he was good at that job. Or maybe not.

Or as Finance Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Or maybe not.

But as governor of New Jersey, he's a flip-flopping mess. Especially regarding the basics of life.

For instance, if you actually want to get out of your house, (now it's with masks, even outside..), you can't get your drivers license renewed, or anything else releated to your car, if it involves the DMV.

Ask the people in New Jersey, who had to camp out overnight in Springfield, in 90 degree weather, in hopes of being able to drive legally.

Murphy, like other Democrat "leaders", such as New York's "I-let-6,500-old-people-die-in-NY-nursing homes" Cuomo, or California's "I'll-close-whatever-I-damn-well-please" Newsom, and other Democrat incompetents, who let violence run rampant in their cities, give the word stupid a whole new meaning.

The good news is that if you vote for Biden in November, the man who is hiding behind the Wizard of Oz Curtain, the whole country will be just like Jersey. 

Hang tough.
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