
August 12th, 2020 6:49 pm
August 12, 2020

Joe Biden has chosen his vice president and it's already begun.

The Rules of Engagement.

They're the same ones that applied to Obama. No criticism. Because he was black.

The same rule will apply to Kamala, and the one Hillary favored: No criticism can be levelled at her because she's a woman.

No criticism. Even when this daughter of Indian-Jamaican parents claims American black heritage and says she's up for the struggle. The way the Hawaiian-Indonesian Obama did.

No critcism. Even when Kamala claims she's for reparations, when her Stanford professor-emeritus dad said their ancestors owned slaves.

Some would say Lunchbucket Joe's vp search was racist: Closing the choice to men and white women, but the media wouldn't.

As was true with Obama, the color of the Democrat candidate's skin is more important to them than their candidate's credentials.

You better not say a critical word about any Democrat or the media's treatment of them. But with Trump? Say whatever you like.

Hang tough.
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