
August 19th, 2020 4:16 pm
August 19, 2020

You've got to admire them. They sure have hutzpah.

Bill Clinton delivered a speech at the Democrat Convention right after photos were released of him getting a massage from one of Jeffrey Epstein's gal pals. And just as he swore, "I didn't have sex with that woman," during his Impeachment, he continues to insist he never flew on Epstein's Lolita Express.

John Kerry honestly believes people want to listen to anything he has to say.

Kerry's the dopey former secretary of state who negotiated Obama's Iran Deal, to Iranian shouts of "Death to America," after he fell off his bicycle and broke his leg during negotiations.

But it was former Ohio Gov. Kasich and former Secretary of State Colin Powell who were the icing on the Democrat Convention cake this week.

Their blatant hatred for President Trump made these Benedict Arnold "Republicans" look like the turncoats they are.

Altogether, the roster of Democrat Convention speakers did Americans a great service. By disclosing who they are, they let us know who Democrats are, and the caliber of the people who will be working with Joe, for us, if Joe is elected. 

Ain't that special.

Hang tough.

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