
She Feels Their Pain, Not Yours

September 21st, 2016 5:20 pm

"No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook." President Harry Truman

September 21, 2016


By: Linda Case Gibbons


          Gunfire. Mayhem. Blood running in the streets.

          This time it was Charlotte, N.C., but it didn't matter what city it was, the government's response was the same.

          Whether it is civil unrest or Islamic terrorism, don't count on the president, the FBI or the Department of Justice to have your back. 

          Elected officials stopped honoring their oaths of office seven-and-a-half years ago. "Black Lives Matter" to this administration and to his cronies.

          You don't.

          After the violence in Charlotte, Top Cop Loretta Lynch took sides, saying, "We hear your voices and we feel your pain."

          Not your voice. Not your pain.

          No. She instructed the rest of us to ask ourselves what we can do to contribute to a more peaceful, more perfect, more just union.

          I decided then and there that I wouldn't steal Red Bull and ciggies from the convenience stores anymore, the stores I destroyed while I was rioting, and I would stop yelling "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!"

          But wait a minute. I never did that anyway. That's when I realized how rotten it was to be a "good guy." It doesn't pay. Not with this administration.

          If you're not a Muslim, or a mob-for-hire member, you're out of luck. If you're in the government and on the take, you're in luck. 

          If your business was looted, your building burned by thugs, too bad.

          These demonstrators are not "thugs," just frustrated black Americans, we're told. They never got a break in life, like you did. That's why they turn to burning, destruction and creating bedlam.

          They are simply "expressing their First Amendment rights," the attorney general explained.

          Who knew?

          Like the lone cowboy in the old western movies, looking up to see hundreds of Indians coming over the hill, silhouetted against the sky. That's us.

          Outnumbered is an understatement.

          The DOJ, FBI, IRS and the rest of the government alphabet have gone political, and you and this country are the last things on their minds.

          So how did America end up in such a pickle?

          Well, Bill Clinton started it by lying under oath, then everyone started doing it. Now Obama and Hillary are carrying on his legacy.

          But it's really Ted Turner's fault.

          He created the 24/7 news cycle at CNN, dooming us to a lifetime of "Experts," "Panels of experts," "Retired this-es," and "Used to be that's," who spin, speculate and pontificate, reporting everything but the facts.

          That's a lot of time for the liberal media to fill, and propaganda works just fine.

          Hear, "Women hate Trump," and "Trump is disliked as much as Hillary," in every news outlet, all the time, and sound-bite voters accept it as gospel.

          That's why Hillary is always ahead in the polls.

          That's why you don't see a lot of Trump bumper stickers. Rampant violence and political correctness have a way of silencing voices.

          It's the reason The Washington Post can dedicate 25 reporters to dig up dirt on The Donald and brag about it.

          Propaganda works. Ask Tokyo Rose. But now it's time to fight back: Against liberal bullies, in the media, in Washington, Hollywood and the White House.

          Against the cowardly late night talk show hosts; some "no name" actor, spewing anti-white racism at the Black Entertainment Awards, and the politically-loaded Emmy Awards.

          Don't go to their movies. Don't watch their shows.

          If it's a football game, with some second-string jerk kneeling during the National Anthem, stop going to the games. Stop the money and the NFL will do the right thing. Dump the bum.

          If it's politicians lining their pockets while sneering at you, make sure they never hold office again.

          The Bushes say they'll vote for Hillary? Dump them, the whole lot of them. What kind of people bet against their own team? What kind of example are they setting?

          People don't forget disloyalty. You shouldn't, either.

          Paul Ryan takes a year to decide to back Trump? Dump him, too.

          Kick 'em out. The politicians who helped Obama empty Guantanamo and sent Islamic terrorists back on the job. The ones who flood our country with illegal immigrants and "Syrian refugees," and put Americans in danger.

          As for the Republicans who make campaign ads for Hillary, bashing their own candidate?

          Make sure Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Mitt Romney, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), don't get elected, ever again.

          Obama and the Clintons haven't done enough to fix the election yet, so now Obama's pushing for Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson to "monitor" the upcoming election against the Russians! Don't fall for it.

          Johnson is another one of the guys who can't say "Islamic terrorists" without weeping, so you know where he's coming from. And there are already dead people voting in Virginia and non-citizens voting in Philly. Somebody did a good job monitoring that.

          If we let them, God only knows what damage Jeh and Obama and Hillary can do with a game, that by this time we all know is rigged.

          Do your part. Be vigilant at the polls. 

          Hold the line, America.

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