
September 23rd, 2020 4:50 pm
September 23, 2020

They say every man has his price, and Michael Bloomberg seems to know everyone's dollar amount.

This week former failed "I Like Mike" presidential candidate Bloomberg dug into his billfold once again, this time to buy some votes from felons in Florida.

Mike paid whatever court fees and fines convicts had to get them out of jail and into a voting booth.

Isn't that illegal? It sure as heck should be, and Florida Sen. Gaetz thinks it is.

It's one thing to buy off Democrat candidates opposing Joe Biden. And to finance campaigns for members of the House of Representatives, but now he's flirting with RICO violations.

"It's not every felon," says U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.). It's just those which they have specifically identified as the Biden voters...That's offering a bribe, an inducement, for someone to behave a certain way in voting. I think it's potentially criminal."

Those darn Billionaires. They think they're all that.

Hang tough.


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