
September 30th, 2020 4:20 pm
September 30, 2020

It's crazy. Today any Tom, Dick or Jimmy can become the head of the FBI. Witness that James Comey was director until he was fired.

Today hearings were held by the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the Crossfire-Hurricane coup originating in the FBI, and it was clear James Comey had lost none of his arrogance, although he claims he's lost most of his memory of those days.

If you're a fan of Elliott Ness, or were fond of J. Edgar Hoover's alleged frocks, you'll find yourself deeply depressed when you listened to FBI Director Comey talk about the FBI today.

The man has forgotten more than he's ever known. And the rest he says he "won't speculate about."

Unfortunately all these matters are part of what he's supposed to know as the guy at the tippy top. As in "this is his job." As in "you railroaded Trump, Gen. Flynn and Carter Page," but can't remember doing it.

But, he insists, he just doesn't know. 

Hang tough,
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