
January 7th, 2021 10:58 am
January 7, 2021

It is no small achievement to speak plainly and say what is really happening. Most people are afraid to take that chance.

But Trump wasn't.

No one owned him, and he was sucessful. He didn't need the job: He wanted it. And that made him a lot of enemies.

Trump said what we all wanted to say, what we all were all thinking.

He didn't indulge in Politically Correct speech. He was the True Outsider.

It's why his supporters loved him, and why Political Elites like Obama, Pelosi, Hillary and their Deep State cronies and members of the False News media hated him. 

To people like these, mediocre people who have something to hide; who have enriched themselves through Pork-Laden Bills and by pandering to lobbyists; who have a cozy relationship with China, and Iran and Russia and Cuba, Truth is a dangerous thing.

So, in the days ahead, when fingers are being pointed, remember the corrupt media and the Deep State Democrats are the ones who caused all of this. So they could take back control.

They caused the crooked elections, the destruction of our cities, and what happened today in Washington, all with the help of Big Money, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg and others who bought America for the Left.

It's the only way they know how to be "Public Servants."

But Trump and his supporters aren't Fair Weather Patriots.

We're not in it for the money. We're in it for the long haul.

Stay strong.

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