
February 3rd, 2021 10:29 pm
February 3, 2021

So the circle is complete. Today Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene got with the program and apologized for herself in front of her Congressional colleagues. And those colleagues were pleased.

And today Liz Cheney's Establishment Republicans supported her for supporting a Trump impeachment by voting for her to keep her conference chair. They left her to continue the Establishment's journey back to Republican Establishmentism. The George Bush type.

With a touch of Socialism.

That's the way it will be going forward. One big happy Democrat family.

Words, words, words. We hear a lot of them, but no action is ever taken except to talk some more.

Calls to throw members of Congress out is as wrong for Greene as it would be for Ilhan Omar, even when she dismissively said "Someone did something," about the 9/ll attack on our country.

They're both elected. The people want them. And that's the way it should be. It's in our Constitution.

But rule by intimidation, threats and the Democrat way of "shunning" 'til their enemies capitulate is not what should be allowed.

So when there is a real transgression, hanging out with Chinese spies, using your political office to unjustly enrich your family, inciting disunity by using political office to smear and destroy a political opponent, such as the dirty dealings of the FBI and the Deep State, that is the time when someone should be held accountable.

And really hold those people accountable. Not just say more words, words, words.

Hang tough.
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