
Time to Drain the Swamp

November 2nd, 2016 5:25 pm

"We're workin' our jobs, collect our pay. Believe we're gliding down the highway, when in fact we're slip sliding away." Paul Simon


November 2, 2016


By: Linda Case Gibbons, Esq.


          Even the people who should like Hillary don't like her.

          We know Michelle and Barack don't. There are even books about it.

          But Barry and Michelle Ma Belle took to the campaign trail for her anyway, hauling Jay-Z and Beyoncé along to perform music that was so distasteful, some people got up and left.

          And when the "concert" was over, very few people stayed to hear Hillary.

          It's the story of her life.

          The Clintons and Obamas think we're too stupid to know they're crooked, that they're stacking the deck with illegal immigrant voters, and propping Hillary up just to save them all from criminal prosecution.

          But we know.

          Oprah half-heartedly tried to rally black voters for Hillary, but the best she could come up with was, "You don't have to like her!" ...but vote for her anyway.

          And Pharrell "Happy song" Williams? He said, "Has she (Hillary) been dishonest about things? Sure. Have you? She don't lie no more than any other politician does."

          Obviously he's a stickler for setting a low political bar.

          It's the direction our country has taken. And it reeks.

          We "ordinary people" do what we're supposed to, paying higher-than-should-be state mandated Obamacare premiums, because it's the law.

          Mines close down. Miners have to be laid off, because of impossibly stringent EPA regulations. The owners do it because they are obeying the law.

          So how come Hillary and Obama get a pass?

          There's enough corruption there. There is the operation of the equivalent of a Criminal Enterprise, worthy of a RICO indictment, in government and the Clinton Cartel, all allowed to run amok by a cowed and corrupted administration.

          The FBI won't do anything about it. The IRS won't touch it. And we know where Loretta Lynch stands ever since that meeting on the tarmac in Arizona. Couple that with a state-controlled media, and it's impossible for us Rank and Filers to catch a break.

          Except with Donald J. Trump.

          The Donald has asked for your vote, whatever your race or religion, whether doctor, lawyer or Indian chief, adding, "What have you got to lose?"

          But Trump supporters know he's offering much more than that.

          When Trump Campaign-Criss-Crossed the country, covering four and five states a day, Lou Dobbs said it best. "Trump can do more than anyone half  his age, and is one of history's most gifted speakers."

           Trump supporters already know that.

           But the media, Republicans and Democrats, refuse to credit him for paying for his own campaign, his own transportation, and having the stamina and grit to put up with what's been thrown at him from all sides.

          And beating them at their own game. They hate that!

          They don't mention it because political insiders aren't, can't and won't do what he's doing, and hate it that he can.

          So why wouldn't we vote for the guy?

          He's campaign-baby-tested. Babies love him. People love him. I bet dogs do, too.

          You have only to look at the faces of the people at his rallies to know why they support "The Movement." They're happy! And they finally feel heard about the elephants in the room.

          The ones Republicans did nothing about.

          Candid and personal, he talks as if he and his audiences are old friends, catching up on the latest news. And they love that he emphasizes the "We" in his campaign.

          That's the way our nation began, with We the People.

          It's a contrast to Hillary. The girl can't fill a room at her rallies and isn't much of a crowd pleaser. But then neither is her running mate. In fact when Kaine appeared in Fort Myers, Florida, three people showed up.

          State-owned NBC reported on it, and called it "a small line."

          Says it all. It's not just Trump who's up against this hypocrisy. We all are.

          But didn't we already do this, 240 years ago?

          Suffer through the unconstitutionality of the Stamp Act of 1765 (read here Obamacare), imposed by a dismissive Parliament (Congress, both parties), a greedy monarch (you know who), and the "Outsiders" of the Second Continental Congress being branded as "traitors?"

          We did. And we can do it again.

          When "Never Trumpers" are puzzled about the Trump appeal, this is what it's about: The problems that no one before Trump ever talked about; the promises that were never kept; and the shameless greed and dishonesty that has been allowed to fester in government.

          Tyrants and crooks will always be with us, but they cannot be allowed to win.

          Fight for your country as your Forefathers did. And vote. And when you vote, vote Trump.

          Hold the line, America.

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