
March 3rd, 2021 5:41 pm
March 3, 2021

Who died and made the Democrats king?

Everyday it's something different for Americans to gripe about. But it's not like Harry and Meghan gripes. These are real. The Sussex' are whiney.

It's been nearly a month since we had armed soldiers in our nation's capitol, and a year since a kid stepped a sneaker into a classroom.

And no one knows who ordered armed gurards, and why they're staying there. It's important to know: Who's the person who's holding the stick that's holding the carrot?

No one asks. It's become an unwritten rule that you can't ask. About anything. Two masks. Three? Twenty-five diners in an eatery. Forty-five minutes to eat.

"They" did it because they did it, whoever they are.  

It's the same thing with the schools. We knew the first day Covid came on the scene that kids were safe from the virus. That the elderly were not.

Kids could go to school. And old folks should stay home. So who said teachers had the right to "be afraid" of getting sick, and thus no schools were allowed to open.

Kids had to sit inside, staring at computers, and suffering poorly designed "at home" learning kits. Our seniors had to sit inside, alone and lonely.

It's a rotten shame. The more "They" do, the more we should demand, and ask, "Who the heck died and made you King?

Hang tough.
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