
April 21st, 2021 1:40 pm
April 21, 2021

Who knew? That a governor making Law and Order the law would be controversial?

This week Florida Gov. DeSantis signed into law an Anti-Rioting Law, a law to turn back the madness we've been witnessing for more than a year. Rampant rioting and looting with Democrat officials sitting on their hands.

The law penalizes local governments who would defund their police departments, makes them liable for damage if elected leaders “tell law enforcement to stand down," and penalizes people who block highways during protests and topple monuments in Florida.

And makes "Mob Intimidation" a no-no.

“We saw images of people just sitting outside eating at a restaurant, then you have this crazy mob circle around them and start screaming and really intimidating. I’m sorry that’s unacceptable. You’re going to be held accountable,” DeSantis said.

And how about our police officers?

“If you harm others, particularly if you harm, a law enforcement officer during one of these violent assemblies, you’re going to jail,” DeSantis said.

Who thought any of this would be cutting edge? But it is.

Hang tough.

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