
August 11th, 2021 2:27 pm

August 11, 2021

The last thing you want to see when you're tucking into your Subway meatball sandwich is Megan Rapinoe. It has a tendency to give you indigestion.

Unfortunately, the purple-haired, America-hating soccer player was chosen to represent the fast food chain, and franchisees are so very upset. It seems Subway patrons are just as negative about Megan as she is about our country.

One store operator said he found a note on his door. "Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!"

Another customer wrote on Facebook, "We used to go to Subway. Not since we saw the TV commercial with Megan Rapinoe."

Too bad for Megan. But because of her own behaviour, there's a lot of that going around.

Hang tough.

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