
August 18th, 2021 12:50 pm
August 18, 2021

The Statue of Liberty is a big fat liar. The poem at the base of her statue says, “Give me your tired your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

But there is no freedom in New York. Not anymore.

This week Mayor Bill deBlasio sneeringly recited who isn’t welcome in New York. Not without a vaccine: People who want to eat. People who want to work. People who want to buy groceries.

But the Mayor isn’t going to enforce the rule. Restaurants and other businesses will have to do the enforcing, lose the customers, and will have to incur the wrath of the poor, hungry, huddled New York masses who can’t grab a burger and a beer anymore.

When is it that Comrade deBlasio leaves office? Believe me. It can't be soon enough.

Hang tough.
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