
September 22nd, 2021 1:50 pm
September 22, 2021

"Pack 'em in." "Don't matter none where they come from."

That's the Democrat Party's plan to garantee their Election Day future.

People. People who can vote. That's what going on, at the border. Joe and Co. built it, and they came. From everywhere. Joe figures these illegals will be grateful for a chance to be Instant Americans, and will vote Democrat.

But wouldn't it be funny if these folks, who had to pay their pound of flesh to get here, not just to the cayotes and the cartels, but to the Democrats who treated them like animals, voted Republican?

Wouldn't it be cool if Republicans told them, "It's the Democrats who think so little of you that they don't care if you die, or your kids get sold into slavery, or that you get stacked in tents, in unbearable heat.

Just the way they treated their other "guaranteed voters," black Americans, whom they treated poorly thoughout our country's history.

Wouldn't it be funny?

Hang tough.

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