
Their Mothers Should Box Their Ears!

February 4th, 2015 5:41 pm
 "I keep six honest serving men, (they taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” Rudyard Kipling, "Just So Stories”

February 4, 2015

By: Linda Case Gibbons

          Life is so confusing!
          Just this week our president stood up at the National Prayer Breakfast and essentially told Jesus Christ, "You didn’t build that.”
          "Get off your high horse!” he told Christians, angry about the heat Islam is taking.
          Then he paraded out the Crusades, Jim Crow and slavery to illustrate the terrible deeds that had been done in the name of Christ.
          Ignoring history, he used the Crusades to counteract a Jordanian pilot being burned alive by Islamic terrorists.
          Ignoring history, he didn’t mention that the Crusades were defensive wars and a response to Islamic slaughtering of innocents and not the other way around.
          Basically he told us we were no better than they were.
          Then, on top of that, we find Brian Williams has been lying to us! What a week!
          He’s such a nice guy! So the questions are flying! Why did he lie? He’s such a nice guy!
          And then we remember Hillary! We ask why did she lie and say she was dodging sniper fire in Bosnia in 1996?
          What we should be asking is, "What’s mentally wrong with these people?”
          It’s not normal to lie about being shot at or to rewrite history to make Muslims look good.  
          It’s pathological and it presents a big, big problem for us.
          Hey, these guys are in charge of a lot! The news, the next presidential election, our country! A lie is a lie no matter how you spin it, and, if nothing else, it’s something your mom told you not to do.
          So why do we let them get away with it when they say they "misspoke,” "conflated,” or were "sleep deprived” instead of "lied?” When they disrespect our country and its history?
          Last week the president gave short shrift to history again.
          Standing in the White House kitchen, making beer, a grin on his face, he told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie he was "the first president since George Washington to make booze in the White House.”
          It’s like shooting fish in a barrel to even mention it. But I will anyway.
          George never lived in the White House. In fact when construction of the White House was finished, he had been dead for a year. And, for the record, there aren’t 57 states either, but when it comes to these people facts are irrelevant.
          So why do we let him get away with it? From Obamacare to his slanderous view of American history?
          And why should Hillary or Brian Williams or Susan Rice?
          It isn’t funny when the leader of our country is awarded the Washington Post’s Pinocchio Award for Biggest Liar of the Year too many times to count.
          It’s bizarre.
          But back to Brian Williams.
          A normal person would remember having a helicopter shot out from under him. It’s not like a bad game of Telephone where the facts get all mixed up.
          Williams apologized, but unfortunately, he just made it worse.
          He said he "conflated” one aircraft with another and was actually in the Chinook following the one that took fire. But he wasn’t.
          Crew members said so. They were in the helicopter that was hit and said Williams was in another Chinook , not in back of them, but an hour behind.
           "It was something personal for us that was kind of life-changing for me,” said Lance Reynolds who was the flight engineer on the Chinook that was hit.
          "I know how lucky I was to survive it. It felt like a personal experience that someone else wanted to participate in and didn’t deserve to participate in.”
          And Americans are insulted.
          A caller to a talk show this week said so. He was former military and you could hear the tears and anger in his voice as he said, "I was shot down 44 years ago. I remember it and still think about it every day.”
          It is all too familiar. Compounded-trickle-down-lying.
          Remember when Obama changed his story about Benghazi? When he insisted he always said it was terrorists who were responsible for the attack on the embassy? But you know he didn’t.
          These people even lie about lying!
          So ask yourself, if your daughter was in a car accident, would you mistakenly think you had the accident? That you were in the car?
          Would you go on Letterman and give a blow by blow account, in Williams’ case, about being forced down after being hit by an R.P.G., a rocket-propelled grenade?
          No. If you were normal you wouldn’t.
          Not calling lying what it is sets a bad precedent. It has consequences. Look what happened to Gallup’s CEO Jim Clifton.
          Clifton wrote an article stating that the official unemployment rate being touted by the White House was "a big lie.”
          He said that if you are so hopelessly out of work that you’ve stopped looking, the Department of Labor doesn’t even count you as unemployed. So the numbers are wrong.
          He called his article "The Big Lie,” and boy, did that make people uncomfortable! Which in turn made him so uncomfortable that he backpedaled!
          A couple of days later, he told CNBC that he was worried he might "suddenly disappear” if he disputed the accuracy of what the U.S. government is reporting as unemployed Americans.
          Disappear! Is this what happens in our country? Tell the truth and you become a target?
          Heck. Suppose you decided to say that the recent influx of measles came from Obama’s illegal immigrant children, and not privileged parents who avoid immunizations for their kids, the way it was reported on mainstream media? Who knows. You might just disappear!
          Or if you were a whistleblower about Benghazi or the IRS or Bowe Bergdahl. Would you be targeted, maligned and persecuted. Oh. That’s right. That already happened.
         As for what will happen to Brian Williams?
         Well, as FOX News’ Andy Levy, FOX wrote on Twitter, "If he can survive being hit by an R.P.G., he can survive this.”
         Hold the line, America.
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