
February 9th, 2022 8:08 pm
February 9, 2022

If you think Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti is nuts, claiming he "held his breath" when seen being photographed at a Rams 49ers game without a mask, you haven't heard the nauseating comments made by NBC while covering the Hunger Games in Beijing.

Eileen Gu blew off her U.S. citizenship to ski for China in the Olympics. That doesn't seem very nice. Or praiseworthy, but NBC thought it was.

"Representing her mother's home nation of China...where she will be an absolute PR superstar...One of the fastest rising stars in China, representing free skiing around the world," were a portion of the NBC coverage.

Most of America isn't watching the Olympics, but this kind of media is worthy of Jeff Zucker's CNN.

But then we know where that got Jeff.

At the very least let's hope NBC loses its shirt pandering to China. That's the only moral compass they respect. Their pocketbooks.

Hang tough.
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