
March 16th, 2022 2:35 pm
March 16, 2022

As if Starbucks isn't insufferable enough, now the woke company has announced that their woke baristas  will not only charge too much for coffee, and malign you if you're a cop or a conservative, but they won't give you a cup.

Basically you can bring your own.

Or you can "rent" one from them, pay a deposit, and bring it back later.

Or wash yours out at their wash stations. (So sanitary in these days of harsh Covid mandates.)

In days of old, there were places that gave you a cup with your coffee. They called them dishes, and they were provided in diners. Or restaurants. But Starbucks is too classy for that.

They say giving a customer a cup, for coffee, would be too much to provide for a $7 dollar cup of Joe. Makes you have visions of dunkin' your donuts.

Hang tough.
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