
April 6th, 2022 3:36 pm
April 6, 2022

How will it all end? How will we get rid of Joe Biden?

There's no good remedy for a bad deal. But Joe already told us how it will go down.

In a December 2020 CNN interview, Joe responded to what he would do if he disagreed with his vice president, Kamala Harris. But it was really how he'd ride into his presidential sunset.

"Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there's a fundamental dsagreement we have, based on a moral principle, (as if that would ever crop up with those three), I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."

And then he can sit home in Delaware, and collect his money from Hunter in peace, and unobserved, after, of course, he uses his presidential power to pardon his son.

Hang tough.

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