
Kerry's Work Is Obama's Best

April 1st, 2015 5:47 pm

"Israel’s destruction is nonnegotiable.” Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi, Commander, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, March 31, 2015

April 1, 2015


By: Linda Case Gibbons 

          You gotta’ admit it, he’s the best!

          Secretary of State John Kerry is the perfect representative for President Obama! When Kerry does his work, it’s Obama’s best!

          Who else would negotiate a deal with Iran that no one wants except Obama? Kerry!

          And who, when the Iranian nuclear deal smells so bad, wants it to succeed so much, who believes it will succeed so well, that he tells the media it will succeed, "Allah willing.” Kerry!

          And who would have the presence of mind to say it in Arabic, hands clasped in prayerful pose? That’s right. John Kerry.

          I’ll bet you dollars to donuts Kerry thinks the "prettiest sound on Earth at sunset” is the Muslim call to prayer, too.

          Let me say, not everyone is thrilled with these guys, speaking in Arabic. That’s akin to FDR speaking German during World War II.

          But some of the usual suspects are thrilled. The New York Times liked what Obama had to say and how he said it back in 2007.

          The Times’ Nicholas Kristof thought Obama’s "sweetest sound” comment was proof positive that Obama wasn’t the inexperienced clown people thought he was, that it showed  Obama was, "Obama: A Man of the World.”

          That’s what the article was titled.

          Kristof was pleased that Obama recited the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer "with a first-rate accent.” He thought it was a "delightfully uncalculated” remark by Obama, something that would "give Alabama voters heart attacks.”

          Welllll, eight years later, not everyone sees it that way.

          The tired, neglected and unrepresented natives of this country are getting restless. They’re starting to wonder whether, in their lifetime, their elected officials will start to represent the United States instead of doing end runs around the Constitution.

          Instead of making back room deals with the United Nations.

          Instead of defending our enemies.

          But, hey, it’s not just Kerry carrying out this administration’s policies. We have scores of Obamas. It’s like the movie "Multiplicity,” where a friendly scientist clones the movie’s hero!

          Hillary could have done Kerry’s job. We’ve seen her. She and Kerry both have the same degree of charisma and expertise in foreign policy as Obama.

          And she’s solidly on his team. She’s front and center when it comes to supporting: Net Neutrality, a deal with Iran, without knowing what’s in it, and anything else.

          And who could top her talking "southern” during her last presidential campaign?

          Her Chappaqua-accented voice, speaking the words of a Negro spiritual touched everyone’s hearts, not just her African American audience.

          "I don’t feel no ways tired…I come too far,” she said in the way only she can.

          And how about Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois)?

          He did Obama better than Obama this week, handing out "tool kits” to illegal immigrants to help them avoid deportation while they are "citizens in waiting.”

          The kit contains a bunch of stuff, but most importantly, a card for illegal immigrants to pull out and show to immigration officials if they’re detained. "I’m covered under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals!” the card says, or "I’m covered under Deferred Action for Parental Accountability!”

          But they’re instructed not to show the card to local law enforcement. It might tip the cops off that they’re illegal.

          It’s a grand idea. Just what American voters need in a representative to the U.S. Congress.  It’s Obamanomics carried out by faithful Obama clones: protecting illegals while giving the bird to the cops!

          Or if we wanted to dip into state legislatures, how about Nebraska State Sen. Ernie Chambers (D-Nebraska)? He’s doing Obama’s best work on a state level!

          At a legislative meeting last week he put policemen on a par with terrorists, something our Department of Justice and the president have been busy doing for a while.

          Chambers helped further Obama’s cause when he told fellow legislators, "My ISIS is the police…If I was going to carry a weapon…mine would be for the police. And if I carried a gun, I’d want to shoot him first and then ask questions later, like they say the cop ought to do.”

          And a shout out for New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, celebrating Black History month by telling a predominantly African American crowd at an AME Church in Queens that police were to blame for "many of the worst parts of black history…Slavery, our country’s original sin, sat on a foundation codified by laws enforced by police, by slave-catchers.”

          Sigh. But there’s more. There’s always more.

          To round out the administration’s agenda, there’s Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)

          He’s the first Muslim elected representative to the U.S. Congress. Rep. Ellison has a gripe with the voting laws in America, which puts him on the same page as the president and attorney general! These men hate voter I.D. laws and make it their business to sue any state that tries to put voter I.D. laws in place.

          So, good for you Rep. Ellison!

          Ellison’s latest is to say he’s puzzled why we have to register to vote at all. It makes voting more difficult, he says. It’s easier in other countries, he says. Yes, there are so many of those "other countries,” Congressman.

          "Why should voting be so difficult? Tuesday? Who thought that up?” he asked a gathering at the U.S. Vote Foundation’s Voting and Elections Summit.

          Call me crazy, but if I were Rep. Ellison, I’d be more concerned about why so many of his state’s citizens are running off to join ISIS and al-Shebab. His state has more of its share of enthusiastic jihadists, so I would call that a problem worthy of scrutiny for a U.S. congressman. How about you?

          We vote to change the way things are done, thinking that will do the trick, but when the elections are over and we think a new day is dawning, the elected officials disappoint and all we are left with is our sarcasm. Scant consolation. And the Obama "clones” keep multiplying like rabbits.

          But, be not faint of heart. John Kerry will always be with us.

          Thanks to Kerry, we have a "deal” with Iran that Obama wanted desperately. There are no details about the deal, and actually it’s not exactly settled yet. But what we do know is that in ten years or sooner, we could be dancing to Iran’s nuclear tune.

          What we do know is that during negotiations, Iranian leaders and their people chanted "Death to America,” and after Obama’s "deal” was reached, one of Iran’s military leaders stated, "Israel’s destruction is nonnegotiable.”

          And believe it or not, there’s talk of a Nobel Prize for Kerry for negotiating one of the worst foreign policy deals in history, where the U.S. walked away with nothing. Funny, we were thinking more along the lines of the Neville Chamberlin Award.

          With all of this going on, you’re probably wondering if this is all an April Fool’s prank. It’s not. It’s our elected officials in action.

          Hold the line, America.

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