
Remember the Pledge of Allegiance

April 15th, 2015 5:49 pm

QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  "Let me give you a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it" Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged"

April 15,  2015
By: Linda Case Gibbons
          It's the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave.  That's what makes America special.
          Our women don't have to wear hijabs.
          Our soldiers don't cover their faces.
          We honestly like who we are and don't need to be psychoanalyzed by anyone about what's wrong with us or our country, especially not by our own leaders.
          We want borders and when someone crosses one of ours, we like to do the inviting. 
          We're a Christian country and are not ashamed to say so.
          There are no "commoners" here.  We took care of that in 1776.  So no one is stuck in any "class" in America.  All it takes is setting your sights on your goal.  It's why people from other countries want to come here.
          If you want to make something of yourself, earn as much money as you want and be a success, you can and the government cannot tell you that you can't.
          Want to know who we are as a nation and what we honor?  Take a look at our founding documents, our Declaration of Independence, Our Constitution.
          Our Pledge of Allegiance says it, too.
          "I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America.  And to the Republic for which it stands.  One nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."
          We're proud Americans, loyal to our country.  America stands for something.  We stand for something.  And our flag?  "This flag don't run."
          We're straight shooters, but some call us too bold or too proud, even though these are the qualities our allies are glad to see when the Yanks come rolling in.
          Bold, brash and unabashed.
          We're not liars, that's why "Honest Abe" has always been such a favorite with us.  
          And we've been proud of all our presidents because we knew that, whatever their party, they felt the same way we did about our country. They thought America was exceptional.  
          It's the reason why we hold the office of the presidency in such high regard.  It's the reason why only the best should run for that office.
          So how did we get here with "House of Cards" type politicians running for office?
          And once they're elected, how did we get officials who delight in dividing our country, pitting citizens against one another, attacking our police, our religions, our allies and our Constitution?
          Elected officials who actually provide aid and comfort to our enemies.
          We have a secretary of state who hopelessly tells us the U.S. cannot expect Iran to stop terrorism against us as part of the nuclear treaty he is still negotiating, and who thinks Iran cannot really be blamed for receiving missiles from Russia.
          We have a former secretary of state who tells us we should walk a mile in our enemies' shoes, be compassionate, and see their point of view; a president who tells us global warming is a bigger threat to us than ISIS and a kid in his State Department who tells us that all ISIS needs is love and jobs.
          This week this president told us that the "rich" don't need all the money they have, so he's going to hit them with an estate tax.
          "Warren Buffett is a great friend of mine.  Warren Buffett doesn't need a tax break...He has too much money to spend.  He can't spend it all.  Even with all the money he's giving away, he still can't spend it all."
          At this point, some, like the Founding Fathers, would probably ask him, "What business is it of yours how we spend our money if we earned it honestly in the free marketplace of America?"
          It's a good question.  Some journalist should ask the president that.
          This week presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was stumping in Iowa and she, too, was angry at the "rich."
          "There's something wrong when CEOs make 300 times more than the typical worker," she said, lamenting the fact that the country's top earners had the nerve to be top earners.  And provide jobs.
          She forgot to mention that she is one of those, the "rich."  And she didn't give any reasons why she should be elected, except that she is a woman and that she doesn't like rich people.
          But it's not all hopeless.  There are still citizens who honor the Pledge of Allegiance.
          This week another woman, Michelle Manhart, an Air Force veteran, intervened in a university protest at Valdosta State University.  She seized Old Glory from protesters who were walking on the flag.
          "When it comes to the flag," Manhart said, "it's our iconic symbol.  It stands for everything that we are.  It stands for freedoms to allow those individuals to do what they want...So how are you even going to justify ruining or walking upon something that's giving you the right to do what you're doing?"
          Still another citizen, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), had the courage to speak out about the unpopular nuclear treaty with Iran.
          "I have to be honest with you," he said, "The more I hear from this administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of Teheran.
          Menendez was also extremely critical about lifting the trade embargo against Cuba.
          In ironic timing, he was indicted on federal corruption charges by the Department of Justice shortly thereafter.
          And remember the heat police have been taking from this administration?  One young citizen decided to show her support for them in a tangible way.
          Ten-year-old Savannah Solis wrote 200 handmade thank you notes to New York City policemen of the 41st Precinct to help boost morale after the murders of Police Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and to the widows of the slain officers.
          "I just want to say thank you for taking care of us every day," the Texas fourth-grader wrote to each officer.  "You are my hero and you're brave too!  Keep watching out for us."
          So you see.  Hope springs eternal and there are always Americans who remember their Pledge of Allegiance.
          Hold the line, America.
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