
October 26th, 2022 3:49 pm
October 26, 2022

FDR said a mouthful when he said, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Fear certainly gets the job done. And the media loves it.

Daily we're bombarded with information about drugs with horrific side effects, and about illnesses we might not have. We've already been told, for two years, that Thanksgiving can't happen because food is too expensive.

I shop and I declare, it's all designed to make you quit celebrating American holidays. Turkeys are affordable, and they're plentiful. Cranberry sauce may have skyrocketed 20 cents. Deal with it.

And look deeper. Who profited from the Pandemic? Big box stores, Amazon, liquor stores, and grocery stores. And now, with the help of "supply chain problems," and "food shortages," we're already experiencing what isn't happening.

Fear gets the job done. But for whom? Look deeper.

Hang tough.
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