
Blame It On The Rain

May 13th, 2015 5:52 pm

"You gotta' blame it on something. Blame it on the rain that was falling, falling. Blame it on the stars, that shine at night. Whatever you do, don't put the blame on you Blame it on the rain." Milli Vanilli, "Blame it on the Rain"



May 13, 2015



By: Linda Case Gibbons



          It's tough to admit it's your fault when it's your fault.

          Some people take it on the chin and admit it when they're wrong.

          Some look around to see who else they can blame.

          Then there are even some who say, "The Devil made me do it."

          But President Obama? He blames Jesus.

          It was at a Catholic Evangelical Leadership Summit. Obama told the Christians in the audience what he thought about Jesus' position on poverty.

          He didn't like it.

          He thought Jesus was too cynical.

          "It's important for us to guard against cynicism and not buy the idea that the poor will always be with us and there's nothing we can do," Obama said

          Jesus never said that. "The poor will always be with you, but you will not always have me." Those were Jesus' words, Mathew 26:11.

          He knew his time was at hand. He was telling his followers what was to come, not telling them, "Don't bother fighting poverty," but, "The time for that is not now."

          Some could say Obama deliberately misinterpreted Scripture, that he twisted Jesus Christ's words for political purposes. And, sure enough, Obama's reasoning was hard to follow: Ferguson-Poverty-Baltimore-Jesus.

          But that's nothing new.

          "I think that we are at a moment, in part because of what's happened in Baltimore and Ferguson and other places," he said, "but in part because of the growing awareness of inequality in our society, where it may be possible not only to refocus attention on the issue of poverty, but also maybe to bridge some of the gaps that have existed and the ideological divides that have prevented us from making progress."

          What ideological devices would that be? Apparently not Islamic. Obama never mentions Islam except to praise and extol.

          However, when it comes to letting Christians have it, it's a different story. So far, Obama's three for three, a couple of prayer breakfasts and this little go-around at Georgetown University.

          Criticize Islam? Not on your life!

          In February, about the time a captive was burned alive by Islamic terrorists, with perfect timing, Obama insulted Christians once again. 

          "Unless we get on our high horse and think this (beheadings, sex slavery, crucifixion, roasting humans) is unique to some other place," he scolded, "remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

          And in April, at the Easter Prayer Breakfast, he was at it again.

          "On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned."

          He's pinning it all on poverty, what happened in Baltimore, what didn't happen in Ferguson, but giving himself a pass. Nothing new.

          Some could disagree with Ferguson-Poverty-Baltimore-Jesus. Say Obama doesn't know about poverty firsthand, having had a privileged background, unlike Jesus.

          They could say, as president, he hasn't focused on black Americans except when they could help him make a political point.

          But using Jesus? That's cold.

          He never addresses the facts, admit that the cities he talks about are run by Democrats, that $14,000 per student is spent on education in Baltimore. And that there are no jobs. And there are riots because of all these factors. And that he's in charge.

          Obama has the power to change that and he's had six years.

          Some might say that.

          We're all just relieved that he didn't put himself in harm's way. That he didn't talk about the Prophet Muhammad the way he did about Christians. Everyone knows better than to do that. Islamic terrorists do not sit quietly in an audience when their religion is defamed. They kill people.

          So, this week, we learned that Obama doesn't want to talk about Islam, Muslim terrorists, beheadings and the like, once again. He wants to sell the idea that any poverty existing in America today is because of the cynicism of Christians, and oh yes, FOX News.

         A week can't go by that Obama doesn't mention them, and this week was no exception. This time he accused FOX of labeling the poor as "sponges, leeches, don't want to go to work, lazy and undeserving," and he demands a change. In the media coverage.

         He's not talking about the media that panders to him. He's talking about the ones who don't.

         He'd rather blame it on the rain.

         Hold the line, America.

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