
December 21st, 2022 1:52 pm
December 21, 2022

If you're going to fight a war, the best place to do it is Ukraine.

While bombs are bursting (unless it's like the movie Wag the Dog), you can travel. Pose for photo shoots at VOGUE. Demand more and more money from the U.S.

Just because.

Today Ukrainian President Zelensky is scheduled to speak to our Congress, to tell the American taxpayer that the $45 billion dollars in aid, which is designated in the $1.7 trillion dollar Omnibus Bill, isn't enough.

Not even if you add in the $66 billion dollars already approved.

So while the Democrat-dominated House Ways and Means Committee votes for the release of Donald Trump's tax returns, the Committee has no interest in checking out Progressively-More-Sleepy Joe's bank account. Or his basement.

Jaded as I admit I am, I can't help thinking that whatever money goes to Volodymyr Zelensky's budget is, as Jen Psaki would say, circling back to Joe.

And that Zelensky, the former comic, is having a good laugh on us.

Hang tough


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