
January 11th, 2023 3:33 pm
January 11, 2023

I'm not a big fan of Mike Pence. Never was. And after January 6, never will be.

But since Mayor Pete Buttigieg dislikes him so intensely, I'm beginning to think I misjudged the Mayor.

Even though Pete is more adept at being a gay parent and husband than working, his hating Pence still carries a lot of weight.

And that means overlooking how bad he is at his job: Airlines going flooey. Supply chain messed up and babies crying for their formula, and now their baby Tylenol.

And the railways being pretty much on their own, if their workers want to get paid sick days.

Even with that, Pete looks better than the disloyal Pence. Or maybe it's a tie.

Hang tough.
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