
Political Correctness on Steroids

June 3rd, 2015 5:54 pm

"Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts." E.B. White

June 3, 2015

By: Linda Case Gibbons


          In 2014 North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un was elected with 100 percent turnout and 100 percent approval.

          Of course that was because there was no one else on the ballot.

          We don't do things that way. Islam can have its Sharia law and Kim Jong Un can run his country the way he runs his country, but Americans? We're free to express our opinions and think our own thoughts.

          Until now. Now Americans are telling Americans what they should think and accept -- or else! It's political correctness on steroids.

          We're told to believe transgender is the new normal, the Duggers are an all-American family and that our first black president says he's the first Jewish president.

           It's like a bad episode of "The Twilight Zone."

           During a Jewish American Month celebration, Obama told the audience at Adas Israel Synagogue that he remembered one of their members had called him the first Jewish president years ago, and that he was pleased to be "a member of the tribe."

            Yes, he did.

            Then there's Bruce. He wants to wear that "little black dress" as a badge of honor with our unconditional blessings.

           And the Duggers? They want us to buy into, without question, a religion they dreamed up on their own, a religion which seems to put an emphasis on sex while eliminating all mention of it in every way possible. How could that go wrong?

           These people are free to do what they're doing, but there are those of us who refuse to be bullied into accepting it as normal in the name of political correctness.

           Facts bother people like us and then we want to ask questions. For instance:

           TO OBAMA:  If you are the "closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this Office," (your own words) do you remember we saw what you did to Netanyahu?

          You sent advance men to Israel to influence the election and oust him, you ridiculed and cut him dead any number of times. We know what you think of Netanyahu and Israel and the Jews.

          It was on tape. It was in the news.

          Someone should ask him about that.

          TO THE DUGGERS: Would you tell us what religion it is that you practice? Just for kicks. We know about the long skirts, side-hugging and lotsa' kids, but not much else.

          And: Are you concerned that your son could be a danger to other children, now and in the future? Studies indicate sexual predators have a poor recidivism rate and that young boys, albeit pubescent, don't have a sexual interest in young children.

          Someone should ask them about that.

          TO DIANE SAWYER: Did you notice that Bruce refers to himself and Caitlyn as separate entities, and to himself in the third person, like something out of the "Jimmy" episode of Seinfeld? (Bruce Jenner: "Bruce lives a lie. She is not a lie. I can't do it anymore.")

          It's kind of schizophrenic/split personality, isn't it? Someone should have noticed instead of giving him a new hairdo or an award.

          Diane should have asked him about that.

          Of course we feel sorry for these people and we believe they have a right to what they do, but so do we.

          Far be it from me to rain on anyone's parade, but sometimes a little rain can't hurt.

          When Bruce asked Diane Sawyer, "Do you have any idea what I've been going through all my life?" I couldn't help thinking of the soldiers who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan without legs.

          Or what Bruce's grandkids are going through when they see "Grandpa" on the cover of "Vanity Fair" in a woman's bathing suit.

          And remember the 69-year-old widow who died in the traffic accident in which Bruce was involved? What do you think her family is going through?

          Do you think Bruce thinks about these people, or is all about Bruce? Or money?

          No, no one asks these questions. With the media, it's all about deflection.

          The Dugger's family problem devolves into a discussion of a possible lawsuit against the magazine that released the sealed juvenile records.

          Hollywood, the media and the left focus on Annie Liebovitz' photo shoot and speculate on how Caitlyn/Bruce will now be subjected to comments about her age and her appearance, just like every other woman.

          And the president's comments are ignored.


          These Washers of Dirty Laundry, these Hawkers of Mediocrity want to force us to join them in hailing Bruce Jenner as a hero. They want us to commend him on his "bravery" in starting his journey to "Caitlynville."

          They want us to ignore the Duggers' dysfunctional family life instead of blaming the source of this unfortunate situation on the right party, the parents.

          And they want us to give the president a "Get Out of Jail" card, like always.

          But we free thinkers say, "We won't." Because we know that serious problems can be trivialized by "group think," and we cannot go along with that.

          There are medical studies that track mental problems such as these. Read them. Americans have always wanted to know facts so they could make things better. What kind of people wouldn't want to do that?

           In Bruce Jenner's case, there is medical opinion that transgender surgery is not the answer, that a drastic physical change doesn't address underlying psycho-social troubles.

          Did you hear about that? No, guess not. The media wasn't pushing it.

          But there is an article that says as much and it's not from some crackpot. It's written by Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and appeared in a June 12, 2014 "Wall Street Journal."

          Read it. Be compassionate, but be informed before you have an opinion.

          And guess what? You live in America, so you do not have to think what they want you to think or accept what they want you to accept.

          Maybe they have to do that in North Korea and in Islamic countries, but not here, Baby!

          Hold the line, America.

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