
February 15th, 2023 12:18 pm
February 15, 2023

Loyalty isn't just nice, it's a test of a person's character.

Nikki Haley announced her bid for the presidency today. South Carolina Sen.Tim Scott is expected to, as well.

To be clear, both of these individuals would be nowhere without the help of Donald Trump. 

When Trump appointed her, Haley left her post as South Carolina governor to serve as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, but never could be perceived as being a loyal Trump advocate. It showed.

And South Carolinians in her home state aren't keen on her. Most people aren't, but Nikki doesn't realize that.

Tim Scott's a nice guy, a good conservative, but he should wait to run for that office. It just makes good sense from a decency standpoint. But, happily, it's America, and if you want to run, it's up to you.

It's not about "don't run if Trump is." It's about look what he did. No one could have done it, and he'll do it again. Act like the Democrats. Support your candidate. All of you.

And remember, Trump beat out 17 wannabes the first time around. So he's not afraid of the competition.

Hang tough.

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