
June 7th, 2023 12:47 pm
June 7, 2023

You'd think that the Camp Lejeune crime against our military would be a slam-dunk for claimants. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act admits that high officials knew about the toxic water contamination from the beginning, making proof of causation unnecessary.

Right? No. The legal system set up to compensate injured service members is mindlessly inefficient and quite simply a deliberate disgrace. Claims are left on hold. Excuses abound. Attorneys are accused of overreaching. And the government claims it is puzzled as to how to streamline a process which, to all intents and purposes, seems cut-and dried.

Joe spends trillions of dollars without a care, but only $300 billion dollars has been allocated, covering service members in a 34-year period, between 1953 and 1987, to compensate those injured, who served their country.

How many thousands of people do you think that will be? How adequate will the funds be to compensate them for death, for cancer, for the ruination of their lives?

Compare that to what Joe Biden has given, and continues to give, to Ukraine's President.

Compare it to the money taxpayers are expected to pay to support Joe's illegal immigrants.

The optics aren't good. 

Hang tough.

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