
July 26th, 2023 3:58 pm
July 26, 2023

Like Mayor Pete, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre thinks the world of herself.

“This is an historic administration,” she gushed during an interview with TheGrio, a black news network. “I’m an historic figure, and I certainly walk in history every day.”

A legend in her own mind, as often happens with Democrats, she was given an award.

Katie Couric was given an award, after she cut out a conservative-friendly comment of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg from an interview.

According to Couric, Ginsburg had strong comments about athletes, like Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem, so Couric said she chose to leave out part of the comments in order "to protect her."

"RBG was elderly and probably didn't understand the question," the arrogant Couric wrote in her book.

Susan Rice and Hillary were similarly rewarded, receiving awards for who the heck knows what, generally after they did some act for the Deep State.

And now it's gay, black, immigrant Jean-Pierre's turn, because she checks every box.

Outfest, a L.A.-based nonprofit which celebrates the representation of the LGBTQ+ community in the media, said they were thrilled "to recognize Jean-Pierre's continued contributions..."

And we've seen those contributions. Every day. At the White House press conferences. And we  are speechless.

Hang tough.

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