
August 16th, 2023 2:00 pm
August 16, 2023

Joe Biden is an ardent believer in the stuff in which he believes. Take, for instance, the memorabilia he surrounds himself with in the Oval Office.

The Washington Post did an exhaustive dive into the paintings and sculptures there just before Joe took possession. Busts of Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt. Paintings of FDR, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

Busts of RFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. flank the fireplace.

The Post also took time to lambast Trump in an article devoted to nothing about Trump, to object to a painting of Andrew Jackson being proudly displayed there by Trump as one of Trump's heroes.

The article called Jackson an "indian killer." And while it was at it, The Post also defended Obama's removal of a sculpture of Winston Churchill, which Trump returned to the room.

"When asked about the bust in 2016, Obama cited aesthetics," the article stated. "There are only so many tables where you can put busts, otherwise it starts looking a little cluttered."

This was before Joe took over the Oval Office. Since then no one asked why Joe had a bust of RFK prominently displayed, when he refused to give Secret Service protection to RFK's son.

When it comes to defending a kid whose dad was assassinated, if the kid is running against Joe, Joe isn't a guy who'd go that far. For one of his hero's kids.

Hang tough.

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