
August 30th, 2023 3:07 pm
August 30, 2023

So, if they had to pay for it themselves, what would Obama and Joe be able to afford?

They're pretty good at spending. Not so good at earning. And it's starting to rankle.

The Obama/Biden Commie limits on the average guy's life in the U.S., while they live high on the hog, is getting to be too much. And it's not over. Not by a long shot.

Rumor has it that Joe's Handlers have come up with some new ideas, new ways to make you and me miserable.

Ceiling fans are under attack. We don't know why. And it's rumored that in the future, you can forget getting together after work for drinks with your buddies. You'll be limited to two drinks a week.

If nothing else will enrage Americans, 100 years after Prohibition, it's that. Are we that shallow?


Hang tough.

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