
October 25th, 2023 3:06 pm
October 25, 2023

Republicans can be so naive. Just like the Democrat media outlets. Michael Avenatti was on MSNBC and CNN lotsa' times, and they loved him so much they wanted to run him for president.

Republicans welcomed Vivek Ramaswamy into the fold without due diligence. But if you check out a podcast, "DocRich", you'll see a toothy, young Vivek parroting exact phrases while side by side with Obama. Obama...

There's a "car in a ditch, would you hand over the keys" to the driver quote, "a skinny guy with a funny name" quote, and others, are words Obama says, and you see, side by side, word for word, Vivek saying the same thing. That's enlightening. Weird, but enlightening. He's a worse plagiarist than Joe.

Obama's a Democrat.Vivek says he's not. But it never hurts to do due diligence.

Hang tough.
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