
Starry, Starry Night

September 9th, 2015 6:04 pm

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." William Shakespeare

September 9, 2015
By: Linda Case Gibbons
          Who will be the next president of the United States? Maybe the answer is written in the stars.
          How else can you explain an American Republican Debate being touted as an event so important that it will be watched worldwide?
          It's gotta' be Astrology.
          Public officials from the beginning of time have looked to the stars and oracles to divine the future.
          President Theordore Roosevelt was an astrology buff. President Franklin Roosevelt used to quote horoscopes.
          And back in the 1980's, when it was disclosed that President Reagan and Nancy were deeply interested in astrology, the news was met with snickers and derision.
          As a point of fact, before he was President Reagan, Ronald Reagan scheduled his 1967 inauguration as California governor to take place at 12:10 a.m.
          In an attempt to deflect the conversation, Reagan's White House spokesmen, Marlin Fitzwater joked at a press conference, "I'll take your questions at exactly 12:33 and a half."
          So tell me: How appropriate is it that the 2015 Republican Debate would be taking place in the Reagan Presidential Library?
          It is being held there, in Simi Valley, California, on September 16, 2015, where the alignment of stars and planets will exert their influence on the eleven Republican candidates, as they strut their stuff in the bid for the highest office in the nation.
          In all, there will be four Virgos, two Capricorns, a Scorpio, an Aquarian, a Taurus and two Geminis.
          Would you be able to tell their astrological signs by looking at them? No. But it's interesting to check it out!
          Fiorina, Christie, Carson and Huckabee are Virgos; Cruz and Rand Paul are Capricorns; Walker's a Scorpio; Jeb an Aquarian; Kasich's a Taurus; and Rubio and The Donald are both Geminis.
          What does all of this mean? Maybe nothing. Our most famous and beloved presidents were astrologically all over the place.
          The Father of our Country, George Washington, was a Pisces; Abraham Lincoln an Aquarian; Teddy Roosevelt a Scorpio; Franklin Roosevelt an Aquarian; and John F. Kennedy a Gemini.
           But it's as good a way as any to try to figure out the problem that is perplexing so many, Donald Trump.
          Some want to stop him and the rest want to hug him.
          He is among the candidates with the most star power, those that are being called "The Outsiders," Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump.
          With no political backgrounds, they resonate as authentic, capable people who can walk and chew gum at the same time.
          And America is ready for that.
          This Threesome has lived in the world in which  average Americans live. They know the nuts and bolts of running a real life, not ones financed by Super PACs, labor unions or lobbyists.
          They know what's what in the real world. They've run businesses, supervised workers and had to balance a budget, instead of operating at a deficit:
          A woman who worked her way up from secretary to CEO of Hewlett-Packard;
          A gentleman from humble beginnings, who pulled himself up by his bootstraps, stayed off the streets and made  himself into a man and a physician of whom any mother, or country, would be proud.
          And an entrepreneur who started out painting garage floors in his father's Queens construction sites, going out and collecting rents with that father, in dangerous neighborhoods and ultimately turning himself into a billionaire.
          It's what makes them attractive. Unlike our Congressmen today, they have worked hard and earned their paychecks.
          And America is ready for that.
          So what will decide the next president of our great country? Maybe not any candidate's Zodiac sign. It probably will be what those candidates do with the life cards they've been dealt.
          As always, Shakespeare said it best:
          "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
          Hold the line, America.
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