
December 27th, 2023 3:29 pm
December 27, 2023

Eggs, onions and potatoes don’t get enough credit, like some of the people in our lives.

This week Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor, went broke. He had to declare bankruptcy. And it wasn't an accident. It was the result of a plan. And he had the D.C. Bar Association to help break him.

The D.C. Bar concluded he should be disbarred for "frivolous" and "destructive" efforts to derail the 2020 presidential election in support of President Donald Trump. In New York, a court took away his license to practice.

Translated, Rudy was a target for representing a client. 

It is a shock to see that bar associations don't protect their attorneys with an even hand, just as the American Academy of Pediatrics didn't protect their doctors, the ones who balked at inoculating babies and toddlers.

It's getting hard to trust, ain't it?

Hang tough.

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