
February 14th, 2024 2:28 pm
February 14, 2024

Sometimes the Bluebird of Happiness makes an unexpected visit.

News broke today that Squad Member Rep. Cori Bush is trailing her Democrat challengers by double digits in her primary race.

And that Jared Kushner won't be returning to the White House when Donald Trump is re-elected.

Trump is very loyal to his family, but if Jared and Ivanka were never to surface ever again, Trump supporters would be pleased as punch.

As far as Cori is concerned, losing her seat in Congress may be the best thing that ever happened to us. And the police.

Cori could then let her husband Cortney Merritts and spiritual guide/wizard/security guard Nathaniel Davis retire from providing security for her. After all personal security has cost her $338,193 over the past two years. So her campaign fund will save money, and we won't have to hear her tell us that the police should be defunded.

How sweet it is.

Hang tough.

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