
February 21st, 2024 4:51 pm
February 21, 2024

No good deed goes unpunished. Take a perfectly good month and designate it Black History Month, and what do you get for it? Nothing good. You get Dante King and a mouth he shouldn't kiss his mother with.

King was hosted at the University of California, San Francisco, and claimed to be an author and was hawking a book with a title too long for me to bother typing.

"Whites are psychopaths, and their behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history," this expert on the subject, this adunct professor of Medical Education, in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science said.

He then asked the audience to raise their hands. "How many of you can see the proclivity that evolved deep with the history of whiteness?"

If you didn't raise your hand, uh oh, "That's called denial," King said. He also emphasized Anti-blackness, which apparently is rampant in this country, "in all white American institutions," and added that raping black woman is written in the law.

Some would call him a racist. I'd just call him a jerk. And I bet the white folks who attended his lecture would agree. He and San Francisco deserve each other.

Hang tough.


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